Sunday 26 January 2014

Task 3 part 2 - Oscar Niemeyer and wilkinson eyre

Over the year the profession of architecture has changed in every aspect. Different architects tried different solutions for their work and explored new roads which led to several successful cases. During the modern movement era, a design style emerged were simple geometrical shapes dominated he designs of building. The movement progressed and developed war made not just in the aesthetical design by even in the construction process and construction methods.

Work by Oscar Niemeyer

Over the time several designer tried to find a new path in the design industry and they tried to venture new style. After several attempts in design, De constructivists started to emerge on a period of time. Their idea was to completely find a new style which was opposite to movements such as modern movement.
One architect and designer which emerged in this new movement was Oscar Niemeyer. He started his design career in about mid-20th century. His work was one of the most unique works during the time as it opposed to the majority of architecture design that was taking place during the time. During this period a very famous style which is still very popular today as it brought several changes to architecture was the international style.
Oscar Niemeyer
Designed by Oscar Niemeyer
Work by Le Corbusier

 When we compare the work of architects such as Oscar Niemeyer and work from International Style such as Le Corbusier, we can note several different characteristics from both designers work. The work of Le Corbusier is completely opposite as the majority of the characteristics in the design of Le Corbusier are built in a simple geometrical shapes with the mentality of less is more. On the other hand the work of Oscar Niemeyer design is more fluid. Characteristics that were developed in the international style by architects such as le Corbusier  that had some importance to the design of architects such as Oscar Niemeyer is the supporting structure of the buildings and materials used.

The used of steel structure which was developed further in the international style is vital for designs such as those of Oscar Niemeyer. The fluid shapes need several supports in its structure to withstand several structure pressures from the building.

An architect which followed Oscar Niemeyer in his design was Chris Eyre Wilkinson. His fluid design is another symbol of De constructivists. His work can be considered as a development on the work of brilliant architects like Oscar Niemeyer. In his work we can note some changes that can be noted as improvements in De constructivist architecture that were made available by developed technology. As Wilkinson is working in a new era, the technology which is rapidly evolving now a day is a factory and an aid to architect such as Wilkinson to continue develop their work and exploring the unknown in architecture.
Work By Chris Wilkinson

Chris Wilkinson

The development which is being made today is effecting even other designer and architects as we can note several improvements in both the design and construction as the development made from the International Style till now is significant. And By the introduction of computer technology, we can further develop and solve several problems on the computer and it is saving a considerable amount of time to the designer which are working and developing work in this contemporary industry.

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