Saturday 4 January 2014

Task 2 - International Style - Le Corbusier

The young watch maker trainee which later had to become one of the best architects that ever emerged. Le Corbuser had the idea of studying art at at a young age but later developed his artistic skills to the profession of an architect.After started architecture at a very young age, by the age of 20 he had already started to produce work as he designed his first house.

During his career Le corbusier contributed a lot to the architecture and construction industry as he started to use different techniques of construction and different types of materials. He was one of the first architects to design buildings which were supported by concrete stilts to eliminate internal supporting walls to gain a considerable amount of interior space. This is a technique which is very common today  especially in large buildings both commercial and residential. Another use that was later developed was to gain more spacing in ground floor by the use of stilts for internal parking.

One of Le Corbusier dreams was to design mass housing. His designs were later developed during the years and now a days these type of buildings are very common. Some critics criticised the idea of mass housing as the amount of huge concrete buildings were increasing and cities started to look like a concrete jungle.

During the year which Le corbusier worked , During the International Style, different things were going on around the globe which effected different populations and development which both improved and damaged the world.

During the time of the International style, in Germany the Bauhaus was in operation and was teaching design student and was also discovering new modern design with the use of new materials. some characteristic are similar to the characteristics in architecture of the International style. Marcel Breuer in my opinion had some some similar ideas and designs like those of Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier may had inspiration from Marcel Breuer as Breuer was the one to started the use of  steel tubing for furniture and in some of Le Corbusier's work he made the use of metal tubing as well.

One of the inventions which completely change the world was the building of the first jet engine. During the 1930's this invention emerged at the right time as the war was approaching. This invention helped the world to unite further as it was later developed and installed to commercial airlines which enabled us to travel around the work and to further countries.

An invention that helped tracking of planes during the war was the radar. it was developed in the 1930's.

Reference :

 Le Corbusier Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - . 2013.Le Corbusier Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

 Fondation Le corbusier . 2013. Fondation Le corbusier . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

LeCorbusier. 2013. LeCorbusier. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

MoMA | The Collection | Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret) (French, born Switzerland. 1887–1965). 2013. MoMA | The Collection | Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret) (French, born Switzerland. 1887–1965). [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

Parthenon. 2013. Parthenon. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

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