Thursday 2 January 2014

Raymond loewy

Generally knows as the designer who designed every as his area of work was not settled on just one side of the industry. Raymond Loewy was a French emigrant in United States who was an inspirational industrial designer as he designed literally almost every thing from cigarettes packaging to cars and space crafts. He is also known as the designer of the new world

Raymond Loewy was a designer and an engineer who studied engineering in the University of Paris before he emigrated to the United States. In 1929 Loewy founded his out Industrial design firm which he started to do the work he is famous for which was redesigning existing products. Such design helped to increase in sales and by redesign by Loewy the amount of interest in the products increased.

Raymond Loewy was the pioneer of streamlining which was very popular and dominated the work in every aspect as it was used in products and even in automotive design for aerodynamics. In today's automotive design we can notice that some factor of the design itself are taken and improved from original designs from designer such as Loewy himself.

The work of Loewy is still among us not just in automotive design but also in branding of products. One of the most powerful projects that Loewy worked on and is still very powerful today is the branding and design of Coca Cola's famous bottle. The  bottle itself even without the logo of the brands represent the brand it self . This is a clear example of how important industrial design is as the looks by itself represent the whole product and a person can remember the products even if they did not even taste it. Raymond Lowey's work is very famous for this reason as in today's market some products that Raymond Loewy designed are still using the same branding and design for their products.

Reference :

Raymond Loewy Biography - Infos - Art Market. 2014. Raymond Loewy Biography - Infos - Art Market. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 January 2014].

Official Site of Raymond Loewy. 2014. Official Site of Raymond Loewy. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 January 2014].

Raymond Loewy: the man who designed everything | The Verge. 2014.Raymond Loewy: the man who designed everything | The Verge. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 January 2014].

Raymond Loewy, the Man Who Made the 20th Century Beautiful. 2014.Raymond Loewy, the Man Who Made the 20th Century Beautiful. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 January 2014].

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