Wednesday 8 January 2014

Task 2- Peter Eisenman - Deconstructivist

An American architect, Peter Eisenman is considered as a De-constructivist. His design clearly opposes the aesthetics of other designer such as Le Corbusier. When I observed the work of both architects which came in different eras, the contrast in the work of both architects is rather significant. When it comes to the shapes used, the majority of the work designed by Le Corbusier consist of geometrical shapes, with the majority of shapes in the design follow a horizontal manner. This design consist the architectural work produced from the Art Deco movement. In Art Deco vertical lines are one of the main features in the design of Art Deco architecture which oppose the characteristics of The International Style design.

Architectural design by Peter Eisenman

Although Le Corbusier ‘s design from the International Style consist of geometrical buildings, some of his work could have been one of the starting point from Modernist style to De-constructivist. Work such as Philips Pavilion, which was one of the commissions designed by Le Corbusier illustrated in my opinion the idea of Le Corbusier who wanted to change his path in design. The irregular shapes in Philips Pavilion contrast with other work from Le Corbusier such as the Sainte Marie De La Tourette in France.

Philips Pavilion
 Sainte Marie De La Tourette in France

In the same period of Peter Eisenman, Different new inventions were produced which changed our lives and made them as we know them today. Something which we do not dream of living without was the Internet. Invented in 1969 the internet started to join the world together as it connected continents together by its technology. One of the advantages of internet in my point of view is the wide selection of information available online which we can access even for free. 

From the comfort of our home we can access several information which we require, even in the middle of the night when every library is closed. As a design student myself, I gained many information and widened my knowledge on several thing which regard the profession of design. During my studies I looked at different information which regards design such as different approach when it regards materials.

When we look in the past at different designer such as Eames, Walter Gropius and other successful designer which we still consider as inspiration for us, One can imagine the impact on their work if technology such as internet was in use. Even when it comes to simple communication, by the use of internet internet we are connected worldwide and communication from a nation to another no a days it is done in a matter of seconds.

Reference : 

Pratt to present Three-Part Exhibition, Lecture, and Symposium on the work of Le Corbusier | ArchDaily. 2014. Pratt to present Three-Part Exhibition, Lecture, and Symposium on the work of Le Corbusier | ArchDaily. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 January 2014].

Deconstructive architecture. 2013. Deconstructive architecture. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 December 2013].

ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide. 2013. ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 December 2013].

Peter Eisenman Biography. 2013. Peter Eisenman Biography. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 December 2013].

 Le Corbusier Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - . 2013.Le Corbusier Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

 Fondation Le corbusier . 2013. Fondation Le corbusier . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

LeCorbusier. 2013. LeCorbusier. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 December 2013].

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