Saturday 14 December 2013

The streamline design style

The streamline style emerged in the United States during the 1930's trough the 1950's. It was an architectural and design style which changes the design in the united states and influenced the rest of the world. This style varied from architectural design to product design and interior. it even influenced automotive design which was evident throughout the years from the variation of different cars which are designed in streamlined style.

Streamline car

This style contrasted the Art Deco movement which was going on in that time as Art Deco focused on upward movement and angular and geometric shapes unlike streamline which displayed a more organic and curved design.

Strealine architecture
Art Deco architecture

During the Streamline era other design movements were going on such as the International style which was a development on Art Deco with new construction and design techniques but still with more geometrical shapes used opposing the organic shapes of the streamline design. Bauhaus was in the end of its era which introduced new techniques in design to push forward mass production of products with new material introduced. other Movements and styles were Organic design style, Deutsher Werekbund and constructivism.

Streamline started from aerodynamics especially when Hungarian born engineer Paul Jaray redesigned the Zeppelins which at the time used to look like a tube rather than the now famous streamline look.
Air Zeppelin

In 1932 Norman Bel Geddes wrote that " an object is streamlined when its exterior surface is so designed that upon passing through a fluid such as water or air the object creates the least disturbance in the fluid."

Once the streamline design was introduced in the market, it literally changes the lifestyle of the majority of the people as at that time almost everything was streamlined from their cars to the home products. during this time as well as Bauhaus which was going on in Germany, the aesthetics of every products became an important element in manufacturing of every product.  This style was then introduced to existing products which were redesigned to join other streamlined products. During this time the advertisement rocketed after the great depression in America. And by introducing more posters for advertisement the sales increased as the consumer had the opportunity to look at visualizations of products on posters before buying them. this was the same technique which was introduced in the Industrial Revolution when the rise in middle class and more wealth to many people gave them the opportunity to by products that they need less which brings more comfortable life, this time in the Industrial revolution can be compared with the time after the great depression when rapid growth came in the 30's.

National Railway Museum. 2013. National Railway Museum. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 December 2013].

The Origins of Streamline Design in Cars. 2013. The Origins of Streamline Design in Cars. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 December 2013].

History Of Streamline Design - Streamline Properties South Beach Miami Beach Real Estate Broker. 2013. History Of Streamline Design - Streamline Properties South Beach Miami Beach Real Estate Broker. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 December 2013].

Streamlined Design: Modernity in America . 2013. Streamlined Design: Modernity in America . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 December 2013].

Ultra Modern Architecture Cabel Headquarters by Massimo Mariani - HomeHouseDesign.Com. 2013. Ultra Modern Architecture Cabel Headquarters by Massimo Mariani - HomeHouseDesign.Com. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 December 2013].

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